Versatile, high-performance water-based top coats | Stahl | Stahl (2025)

Stahl offers an extensive range of water-based top coats to add several high-performance features that protect the base coat while improving texture. This range is ideal for full and corrected grain leather for applications across the automotive, apparel and accessories and interior design industries, and includes products from our Aqualen®, Easyguard and Astacin® portfolios. Whether you’re looking for a clean, dull, intermediate, glossy, Kuppenglanz or patent top coat, our portfolio has the right product for your leather.

ProductdMain features
Clean Top & Easyguard Top Coat
CT-43-372Dirt and dye resistance - Easy to clean top coat - Soft, waxy, natural feel.
CT-43-375Dirt and dye resistance - Easy to clean top coat - Warm, soft, natural feel.
CT-73-372Dirt and dye resistance - Easy to clean top coat - Abrasion and scuff resistance.
Easyguard D-01Anti-soiling top coat.
Easyguard WF-01Silicone emulsion for anti-soiling top coat - Creamy, slippery feel.
Easyguard WF-02Special additive for anti-soiling top coat.
Easyguard WF-03Silicone emulsion for anti-soiling top coat - Natural, slippery feel.
Dull Top Coats
Aqualen® Top D-2012.DDull top coat with high physical properties - Pleasant feel - Repolishable.
Aqualen® Top D-2015.AHigh performance top coat - Low repolishability.
Aqualen® Top D-2019Very dull, high performance top coat - Low repolishability.
Aqualen® Top DC-2060Compact top coat for upholstery leather - Very soft - No grey break.
Aqualen® Top DP-2090Very dull, high performance top coat - Very low repolishability - Color jetness - Warm handle.
Astacin® Matting ARDull top coat - High abrasion resistance - Keeps color intensity.
Astacin® Matting HSDull top coat - Hydrolysis resistance - Good rubfastness and cold flexibility.
Astacin® Matting LV TFDull elegant and soft top coat - Excellent cold resistances.
Astacin® Novomatt DDHigh matt level - Soft dry and silky feel - Low haze, keeps color intensity.
Astacin® Novomatt GGHigh matt level - Soft dry and waxy feel.
WT-13-097Dull - Waxy touch.
WT-13-892Good abrasion and scuff fastnesses.
WT-43-492High performance top coat - Outstanding flexibility - Promotes abrasion and scuff resistance.
WT-43-985PolyMatte® top coat - Opaque - Warm feel - High performance top coat.
EX-WT-49-029Soft touch medium dull top coat - Low haze, keeps color intensity.
EX-WT-49-118Ready to use - Economical dull top.
WT-49-511Soft dull top coat - Smooth and waxy touch - Low haze, keeps color intensity.
EX-WT-49-513Dull top coat with stopy-graby touch - Low haze, keeps color intensity.
EX-WT-48-044Excellent rub and UV fastnesses - Natural handle and aspect.
WT-76-690Natural dull aspect - Good embossing property.
Intermediate Top Coats
Aqualen®Top IL.AIntermediate top coat - Improves plate release - Used for effect coat.
Aqualen® Top SILIntermediate top coat - Improves plate release - Used for effect coat.
Glossy Top Coats
Aqualen® Top 2006.BFor high abrasion, wet rubs and hydrolysis resistance.
Aqualen® Top 81Improves abrasion resistance of aqueous top coats.
Aqualen® Top FL-02For shoe upper nappa, bag and garment leathers - Imparts high gloss without hardening.
Aqualen® Top FL-03Especially for shoe upper nappa, bag and garment leathers.
Aqualen® Top GC-2031.BUsed as top coat for elegant, high gloss shoe upper and fancy leathers.
Aqualen® Top GC-2033Used as glossy component in water-based super soft top coat systems.
Astacin® Top USSuitable for elegant finishes for aniline leathers.
BM-22-905-WTCasein natural aspect - Good milling property.
WT-22-500Good rub fastness and water drop resistance.
WT-42-518High UV resistance - Good wet fastnesses - Good temperature resistance.
WT-43-051Elegant and soft glossy top coat with very soft feel.
WT-43-118High gloss and transparency - Very soft top coat for upholstery leathers.
WT-43-190Excellent taber abrasion and high wear properties.
WT-43-608High gloss and transparency - Very soft top coat for upholstery leathers.
WT-48-403Glossy top coat.
Kuppenglanz Top Coats
WT-13-894Produces elegant shiny tips by milling - Kuppenglanz top coat.
Patent Effect Top Coats
Aqualen® Top APTWater patent - Good fastnesses - Soft and pleasant hand.
Aqualen® Top LN.AWater patent - Good fastnesses.
Aqualen® Top SPTSoft water patent - Good fastnesses - Soft and pleasant hand.
WT-42-511Water patent - High fastnesses.
WT-72-500Water patent - Good fastnesses - Soft and pleasant hand.

Learn more about our water-based top coats and their properties by downloading the catalog.

Anti-soiling Clean Top and Easyguard coats

This range of Easyguard and Clean Top products is ideal for full or corrected grain leather for automotive applications. In particular, these top coats offer properties like resistance to dirt and dyes, anti-soiling, easy cleaning, and soft, natural or slippery textures.

High-performance dull top coats

Stahl’s dull top coats have high-performance properties such as abrasion and scuff resistance, color retention, cold resistance, and UV fastness. These top coats produce a range of textures, from soft to silky to waxy. It includes products from our Aqualen® and Astacin® ranges.

Improved plate release with our intermediate top coats

Stahl offers two intermediate top coats for full and corrected grain leather from our Aqualen® portfolio. Our medium-dull Aqualen® Top IL.A is designed to reduced leather stickiness, while our glossy Aqualen® Top SIL is designed as an effect coat. Both improve plate release.

Glossy top coats for high-end leather

Stahl’s glossy top coats add shine and other high-performance properties to a wide range of leather products, especially high-end applications. Their features include abrasion and wear resistance, water drop resistance and temperature resistance, non-hardening, and good milling. The range includes top coats specially designed for shoe upper nappa, bag and garment leathers, as well as aniline leather and water-based systems.

Kuppenglanz top coats

Our Kuppenglanz top coat WT-13-894 can be used on full grain leather, corrected grain leather and skins. It produces elegant shiny tips by milling and has a dull appearance. This top coat is ideal for upholstery applications, but can also be used for shoes and leather goods.

Patent effect top coats for high shine

Stahl’s patent effect top coats add water patents, good fastness, soft textures, and high gloss to full and corrected grain leathers. Our Aqualen® Top SPT can also be used on skins. This range of top coats is ideal for shoes and leather goods applications but is also useful for garment and upholstery applications. They are all Stahl Neo® compliant.

Stahl’s water-based top coats are part of our Stahl Neo® portfolio, which means that they comply with the ZDHC MRSL.

New-generationwater-based topcoats

TheAqualen®Top NGrangeintroduces thefutureof water-based topcoats. Suitable for allleather goods,Stahl’s solutionisspeciallydesignedforproducts whereanelegant finishisa must.Its aqueous blend of advanced polymer technology and auxiliaries offers eye-catching vibrancy with a distinctive natural-leather look and feel,andfour sophisticated finish options.Aqualen®Top NG’sself-crosslinkingpropertiesenablehigh fastness and superior durability,whileadditional crosslinkers canalsobe added foradditionalfastnessbenefits.The range is also free ofCAB andnitrocellulose,complies with ZDHC MRSL 2.0,andhasless than 1% VOCcontent.

Versatile, high-performance water-based top coats | Stahl | Stahl (2025)
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